Google is bringing new feature in Maps, everything will be more colorful

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Search engine company Google is soon going to make its popular service Google Maps (Google Maps) a little more colorful.

Search engine company Google is soon going to make its popular service Google Maps (Google Maps) a little more colorful. The company has also shared a tweet announcing this on its official blog.

Will get more details

The company has said that this week it is adding more details and granularity to Google Maps. This will help the users to understand an area, even if the user is planning to go there or is exploring virtually.

Google said that maps have more than 98 percent satellite imagery in the world. Google will begin preparing detailed road maps in London, New York and San Francisco in the coming months, with plans to expand it to more cities over time.

Google stated in its blog that ‘Whether you are searching for a new place or looking around the city, you can see a more colorful, easy-to-understand representation of the world starting this week. Can use Google Maps. If you are a Google Maps platform developer, you will soon be able to apply this new style to your maps.

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