Malaria Symptoms and Home Remedies

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Do you know that even a small mosquito can become an enemy of your life? Mosquitoes cause many diseases and malaria is one of them. The causes of malaria are many, but dirt is the biggest cause. There are mosquitoes spread around the dirt and these mosquitoes cause malaria disease. If malaria is not treated in time, it can also be fatal. In this article, we will not only tell about the symptoms of malaria, but also to treat malaria to prevent malaria. Read this article for all the information related to malaria disease.

What is Malaria?

If people are asked what malaria is, many people say that malaria is a kind of fever caused by mosquito bites. In this, the patient feels cold and has high fever. While this is true, it is not entirely the definition of malaria. Before you know the symptoms of malaria, it is important for you to know what is malaria? ‘Malaria’ is derived from the Italian word ‘mala aria’, which means bad air, as it was previously believed to be caused by bad air, but it is not.

Clinically, malaria is an infectious disease caused by a protozoan parasite (which depends on other organisms). Female Anopheles mosquitoes act as carriers for this parasite. Female mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, spreading the parasite to humans. When these mosquitoes bite a person, the parasite enters his body and initially grows in the liver for a few days. Then they start damaging the red blood cells. This happens mostly in hot places, due to which people living in hot places get affected quickly.

Below we are giving information about some interesting facts related to malaria.

Some interesting facts about malaria

Before you know the types and symptoms of malaria, you should know some interesting things related to malaria.

  • World Malaria Day is observed every year on 25 April.
  • The aim of World Malaria Day is to make people aware of diseases like malaria.
  • You will be surprised to know that malaria is a bite of a female mosquito.
  • Female mosquitoes can lay 300 or more eggs at one time.
  • Mosquitoes spend a few days in the water after they hatch.
  • Three different species of Anopheles mosquito have been found responsible for spreading the infection.
  • When a pregnant woman has this infection, it can result in the loss of baby weight at birth. Even the life of the infant can be threatened.

There are also types of malaria, which we are telling you below.

Types of Malaria

Many people may think that malaria is just one disease, but it also has many types. Below we are telling you about the type of malaria. Depending on the severity of the infection, there are two types of malaria – uncomplicated malaria and sevier malaria.

1.Uncomplicated Malaria

  • Malaria fever can occur in three ways:
  • with chills or shivering,
  • Feeling of heat or fever
  • Fever may occur with sweating and fatigue.

We are sharing the symptoms of this type of malaria with you below.

  • fever
  • chills
  • sweat
  • Headache
  • nausea and vomiting
  • fatigue
  • body pain
  • joint pain
  • loss of appetite
  • diarrhea

Note: In countries where malaria cases are not high, these symptoms are seen as influenza, cold or other common infections.

2. Sevier Malaria

It is the most severe form of malaria. This is when malaria spreads to various parts of the body and affects them. In this, many organs stop working and can cause even more serious symptoms. We are sharing some more symptoms of this malaria with you:

  • Cerebral or brain malaria – seizures, coma and other neurological abnormalities.
  • severe anemia
  • Abnormalities in blood coagulation process
  • Kidney problem
  • respiratory problems
  • low blood pressure

There can be many other similar problems. Immediate treatment for severe malaria is very important.

Causes of Malaria

After knowing the type of malaria, the question may be arising in your mind that what are the causes of malaria. Most people say the cause of malaria in simple language is that malaria is caused by mosquitoes. Malaria is caused by a protozoan parasite, known as Plasmodium. There are five major species of this parasite, which infect humans. We are telling you about these species below.

Plasmodium falciparum – major in Africa

Plasmodium vivax – major in some regions of Asia, Latin America and Africa

Plasmodium ovale – major in West Africa and the Western Pacific

Plasmodium malariae – Major worldwide

Plasmodium knowlesi – major in Southeast Asia

Symptoms of Malaria

Here we are talking about common symptoms of malaria (Symptoms of Malaria). If you see any of these symptoms, then contact your doctor.

  • Severe headache
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • high fever
  • cold fever
  • stay up late
  • frequent thirst
  • arm and leg cramps
  • Feeling tired or weak
  • feeling nervous or restless
  • too cold
  • Anemic

Of course, the name malaria causes fear in people, but it is possible to cure it with prescribed medicines and home remedies. Therefore, in further article we will talk about malaria treatment.

Home Remedies for Malaria

There is no doubt that if malaria is not treated in time, it can prove to be fatal. Nevertheless, treatment of malaria is easily possible. Nowadays, doctors also recommend medicines for malaria as well as natural and home remedies. Here we are telling you some home remedies to prevent malaria.

1. Ginger

Ginger is found in almost every kitchen. Ginger, which has been adding flavor to food for years, not only makes food tastier, but is also beneficial for health. You can also use ginger to get rid of serious diseases like malaria quickly. Learn below


  • One inch piece of ginger
  • One or one and a half cups of water
  • Method of preparation and consumption:
  • Cut ginger into small pieces and boil for a while in water.
  • Then filter it and cool it down a bit.
  • You can also add honey to taste.

How often do you consume?

You can consume one to two cups of this mixture every day.

How it is beneficial?

The components present in ginger such as gingerol have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties present in it can relieve pain and nausea during malaria. Also can increase digestive power. In addition, ginger also has anti-malarial properties, which can prevent malaria.

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2. Basil

Tulsi has been used in India for centuries not only for worship, but also as a medicine. Whether it is a cold or cold or any kind of pain, basil decoction, basil tea and basil leaves are beneficial in every way. In the same way it can prove to be effective in malaria as well. Know below the method of using basil in malaria.


  • 12 to 15 basil leaves
  • Half a teaspoon pepper powder
  • Method of preparation and consumption:
  • Crush the leaves and then squeeze them and extract the juice.
  • Add black pepper powder to this juice and mix it well.

How often do you consume?

Drink this juice three times a day, especially in the early stages of the disease.

How it is beneficial?

Tulsi leaves have been considered as herbal remedies for various diseases and malaria is one of them. It has anti-malarial properties. Symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and fever are also relieved by regular intake during infection.

3. Papaya Leaf

Papaya is not only delicious, but also has many properties. It is beneficial from the stomach to the skin, but do you know that its leaves are also beneficial. You must have heard about consuming papaya leaf juice during dengue, but they are also very beneficial in malaria.


  • Four to six fresh papaya leaves
  • Honey (as per taste)
  • Method of preparation and consumption:
  • Wash papaya leaves thoroughly.
  • After washing, cut them into small pieces.
  • Then extract the juice from the leaves.
  • Use hot water while extracting juice.
  • After that you can add honey to taste.
  • Then consume it.
  • If you cannot consume it at once, put it in a bottle and keep it in the fridge.
  • Whenever using it, shake the bottle well before it.
  • Be careful not to store it in the fridge for a long time.
  • Try to make as much as you need.

How often do you consume?

You should consume this juice once or twice a day.

If you do not want to consume juice, you can also make papaya leaf tea.

For tea –


  • About four to six fresh papaya leaves
  • Lemon (as required)
  • Honey (as per taste)

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • Wash these leaves well and cut them into small pieces.
  • Boil the leaves for 15 to 20 minutes (you can also add two to three pieces of lemon to it) and sieve.
  • You can also add honey as per taste.

How often do you consume?

You can consume it two to three times a day.

How it is beneficial?

Papaya leaf acts like anti-malarial. In Western Cameroon, a mixture of papaya leaves and lemon grass is prepared, which was given to the patient for drinking. However, more research is yet to be done on this. Apart from this, the consumption of papaya can also be beneficial during malaria, because sometimes there is a lack of blood in malaria and in this case the consumption of papaya can be beneficial.

4. Fenugreek

Consumption of fenugreek can provide relief from diabetes too many other diseases. Malaria is also one of them. Know below how to consume fenugreek in malaria –


  • little fenugreek seeds
  • A glass of water

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
  • Then consume this water on an empty stomach in the morning.

How often do you consume?

Till malaria is cured, consume it daily.

How it is beneficial?

Malaria patients often feel weakness due to fever. Fenugreek seeds are the best natural remedy to deal with this weakness. They enhance your immune system and help in the early recovery from malaria by fighting parasites. These can act as anti-plasmodial to relieve malaria. Therefore, fenugreek patients are also advised to eat fenugreek.

5. Cinnamon

If you want to increase the taste of food, then cinnamon is a good spice. It is also beneficial in malaria.


  • One teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • A pinch of black pepper powder
  • A spoonful of honey
  • A glass of water

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • Boil cinnamon powder and black pepper powder in water for few minutes.
  • Then filter the water and add honey to it.

How often do you consume?

You can consume it once or twice a day.

How it is beneficial?

Cinnamon is also an effective home remedy for treating symptoms of malaria. Cinnamaldehyde (cinnamaldehyde), procyanidins, and catechins present in cinnamon have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Cinnamon acts as a barrier to Plasmodium falciparum. Therefore, its use can provide relief in malaria.

6. Sagar Gota

Sagar Gota is a herb, which is used for treatment in India and other countries. It is also very beneficial in the treatment of malaria.


  • Three grams of Sagar Gota seeds
  • A cup of water

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • If there is a possibility of fever, take these seeds with water and even after one hour of fever.

How often do you consume?

Take before and after fever caused by malaria.

How it is beneficial?

The seeds of the Sagar Gota plant have been considered effective remedies for malaria. It is a rare plant. You will find it in herbal shops. The anti-malarial and anti-inflammatory properties present in it can help in getting relief from malaria quickly.

7. Grapefruit

Many times you have seen big lemons, which are called grapefruit or grapefruit. This fruit of the orange and lemon species is sour as well as has a mild sweetness. It may be beneficial to lose weight, to relieve fatigue, to increase digestion or to overcome any other physical problem. In the same way, it can also affect fever and malaria.


  • A quarter grapefruit
  • Water
  • Method of preparation and consumption:
  • Boil the grapefruit.
  • Then filter it and consume it.

How often do you consume?

You can consume it every day.

How it is beneficial?

If its juice is taken during malaria, it may help to increase the effect of malaria drug – artemether. However, more study is needed on this, but if you eat any fruit that contains vitamin-C, then you should consult a doctor before that.

8. Apple Vinegar

Apples are beneficial, but apple vinegar is also beneficial. Apple cider vinegar has been used in many households for cooking and other purposes. Rich in antioxidant properties, it is good for health. It can also be used in malaria, which we are talking about below.

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  • Half a cup of apple vinegar
  • two to three glasses of water
  • two soft clothes or towels

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • dissolve apple vinegar in water.
  • Now soak a piece of cloth in it.
  • Then place the wet cloth on the muscle behind the leg, which is called calf muscle.

How often to use?

In case of fever during malaria, develop it.

How it is beneficial?

Apple vinegar contains antibiotics, which can prevent many diseases and its use in malaria can provide relief. Antibiotic and anti-malarial medicines can significantly reduce the effects of malaria.

9. Lemon juice

If you want to lose weight, lemon water is consumed, but do you know that lemon water can be consumed even if malaria is eliminated. Lemonade works very effectively in malaria. How to consume lemonade in malaria, we are talking about below –


  • a lemon
  • A glass of hot water

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • Squeeze lemon juice in a glass of warm water and consume it.

Make sure the water is not too hot, but lukewarm.

How often should you consume?

You can consume it once or twice during fever.

How it is beneficial?

Everyone will know that lemonade can remove the body’s toxins. In the same way if lemon juice is taken with medicines in malaria, it can have a faster effect in removing malaria parasites from the body. However, please consult your doctor once before using it.

10. Alum

Use of alum proves to be effective if the blood is cut off or to cure toothache. Apart from this, alum can also be used during malaria, know below –


  • one-inch alum
  • sugar

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • First fry the alum and make powder.

Now mix it with two grams of sugar and prepare the mixture.

  • If there is a possibility of fever, take half a teaspoon of this mixture.
  • In addition, in case of fever, take half a teaspoon every two hours.

How often do you consume?

For immediate relief from symptoms, take it before and after malarial fever.

How it is Beneficial?

Alum has the mosquito larvicidal potential, which can relieve malaria by targeting the malaria-spreading mosquito Anopheles.

Note: Please ask the doctor once about its intake and its quantity, because everyone’s body and their needs are different. Also, if you have an allergy problem, then only use it after the expert’s opinion.

11. Green Tea

If you want to lose weight or increase immunity, then green tea comes in handy. Not only this, even if you want to treat malaria, it can prove to be effective.


  • a green tea bag
  • a small piece of tamarind
  • a cup of hot water
  • Method of preparation and consumption:
  • Soak green tea bags and tamarind in hot water.
  • Now remove the tea bag and sieve the tea.
  • Then consume it.

How often do you consume?

Drink this herbal tea twice daily.

How it is beneficial?

The anti-malarial properties present in green tea can relieve malaria. In addition, the antioxidant properties present in it make the immune system healthy and can also protect against other diseases.

12. Fennel or black cumin

Mustard oil, especially black mustard seeds, has been found to have anti-malarial activity. It can be incorporated into your daily diet by using it as cooking oil or mixing it in a smoothie. This can help your body fight infection better. This oil can act as a wonderful supplement to the malaria medicines prescribed by your doctor. It can help in increasing the effect of malarial medicines such as chloroquine. Also, the antioxidant properties present in it can also fight malaria plasmodium infection.

13. Salicylic

It is possible that some of you may have heard the name Chiraita. Salicylic is a type of herb. Whether it is a cough, cold, increased appetite or any other problem, salivation helps a lot. It may be bitter in taste, but it is a treasure of qualities and can also work very well in malaria. Below we are telling how to make the decoction of the salicy.


  • 15 grams of salicylic
  • 250 ml of water
  • Two cloves
  • One teaspoon cinnamon powder

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • Put the salicylic acid with cloves and cinnamon powder in warm water and leave it for two to three minutes.
  • Now filter it and consume three teaspoons of the mixture.

How often do you consume?

You should consume it four to six times a day.

How it is beneficial?

The anti-malarial properties present in salicylic can be helpful in reducing malaria. It has been used for many years as a medicine for malaria, anemia, liver, fever and skin problems.

14. Neem

Neem which is easily found, even if it is very common, but if we talk about its properties, then it can not be compared. Neem is used not only as a medicine, but also in food. Many people also fry Neem with brinjal and eat it. Neem can also help in getting relief from diseases like malaria. Know below how to consume Neem during malaria –


  • A handful of Neem leaves
  • Four black pepper
  • Water
  • Method of preparation and consumption:
  • Grind Neem leaves with black pepper.
  • Now mix this powder in water.
  • Then filter it and drink it.
  • Consumption of this can relieve malaria fever.

How often do you consume?

You can consume it in case of fever in malaria.

How it is beneficial?

Due to the anti-malarial and anti-plasmodial properties of Neem, it can give relief to malaria fever to a large extent. Before taking it, do ask your doctor once, as it also depends on your medicines whether you should take it or not.

15. Turmeric

Turmeric not only adds color and flavor to food, but also fades the color of many diseases. Turmeric, which plays an important role in Indian food, has been keeping us healthy for years by acting like a medicine. When it has so many qualities, then malaria is a big thing. Know the use of turmeric in malaria –


  • One teaspoon turmeric powder
  • A glass of warm milk

Method of preparation and consumption:

  • Add turmeric to the milk and mix well.
  • Take it before bedtime.
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How often do you consume?

You should consume it every night.

How it is beneficial?

Curcumin found in turmeric can be useful in treating malaria. It can reduce or eliminate malaria parasites. Also turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-microbial agent. It can cleanse the toxins caused by Plasmodium infection from the body and can also help in killing parasites. Turmeric also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce the symptoms of malaria, such as muscle pain and joint pain.

Know below what to eat and not during malaria.

Foods to Eat in Malaria

During malaria treatment, it is important to take care not only of domestic remedies, but also of food. In malaria disease, the patient becomes very weak, keeping in mind that we are telling here what the patient should eat:

  1. In malaria, eat such food, which is digested quickly like- Khichdi and Oatmeal etc.
  2. Eat carrots, beets and papaya etc. in food.
  3. Eat plain food such as lentils and green vegetables.
  4. Those who are non-vegetarians can consume eggs, but consult a doctor about this once.
  5. Take a protein-rich diet, such as fish.
  6. Drink soup, coconut water and electral water.
  7. Take a vitamin-rich diet, but ask a doctor once before consuming a vitamin-C-rich diet.
  8. Salad can also be consumed.

Foods should avoid during Malaria

It is also important to know what not to eat in malaria. Know below what not to eat during malaria treatment.

  • Do not eat oily spices or fat foods.
  • Do not eat outside food.
  • Do not consume cold cheese or liquids in malaria.
  • Do not consume fruits or foods of cold effect.
  • Do not consume tea and coffee.
  • Do not consume heavy food like meat and chicken.
  • Do not consume sauces and pickles.
  • Do not consume cakes and pastries.

Note: Apart from all these, you must also ask your doctor about food and drink during malaria. The doctor can make a diet chart to the patient, which can prove beneficial for them.

It is also important to know about the prevention of malaria to prevent it from happening.

Prevention Tips for Malaria

You have come to know about the symptoms and treatment of malaria, but it is also important to know about prevention from malaria. If you already know the ways to prevent malaria for malaria disease, then it will be good for you. You can avoid getting hit by malaria disease. Know below how to prevent malaria –

  • Do not store water anywhere in your surroundings for long days. Sometimes in the cooler in summer, the water is not changed for several days. Therefore, change the cooler water every day and it is not possible to change the water, then put a little kerosene in the cooler. Also, do not store water in buckets and other utensils for much of the day. Anopheles, i.e., malaria mosquitoes lay eggs in stagnant water for a long time.
  • Keep cleanliness in the place and house around you and clean it with disinfectants like phenyl.
  • Sleep at night by applying mosquito killing coil. If you are allergic to these things, then sleep with a mosquito net.
  • Apply mosquito repellent cream on your own and your children’s body before going out or before going to any open place like park or road.
  • Try to wear clothes in such a way that the hands and feet are completely covered.
  • Drink clean water, especially when you are traveling outside.

There is no need to panic with the symptoms of malaria, but by knowing the symptoms of malaria fever, correct malaria treatment is required. Hopefully you have got all the information related to the treatment of malaria at home. If you want, you can also get Ayurvedic treatment for malaria. Apart from this, if you also have any information about the symptoms and treatment of malaria, then you can share it with us.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Malaria a Virus?

Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. It is a single-celled organism, which is not a virus.

Which organs are affected by malaria?

In the initial stage, this parasite affects only the red blood cells, but as the disease progresses, it also starts to affect the liver. In severe cases, it can affect the brain and cause cerebral malaria.

What is the duration of malaria eggs?

It depends on the type of malaria causing parasite.

For P. falciparum — the incubation period is 9–14 days.

For P owl and P Vivax – it is 12-18 days.

For P. Malari – it is 18–40 days.

How does malaria affect the human body?

The parasite initially remains dormant in red blood cells. Then slowly the red blood cells start growing. Every 48–72 hours the cells burst and more parasites come out of them. It is the time when a person starts showing symptoms of malaria. In this condition the patient experiences fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue and usually body aches.

Can Malaria Cause Miscarriage in Pregnant Women?

Malaria and its symptoms may be more pronounced in a pregnant woman. Early stage miscarriage is rare, but if the symptoms are not treated at the right time, the chances of miscarriage increase if it is not treated properly.

Can malaria cause joint pain?

Yes, it can cause joint pain.

Is malaria contagious?

Malaria does not spread from person to person. If a malaria mosquito bites an infected person and if the same mosquito bites a healthy person, then the parasite can come from the infectious person to a healthy person and can also become malaria.

How long does it take to recover from malaria?

It usually takes about two weeks to recover from malaria.

How long can death from malaria occur?

Death due to malaria is subjective. It depends on the present condition of the patient in which condition he is. There is no definite time for this. Yes, if the patient is not treated, malaria can take the form of anemia, hypoglycemia, and neurological malaria. Due to this, the patient may go into a coma or he may die.

Is there a vaccine for malaria? If so, how long does it last?

The malaria vaccine is currently undergoing testing. Therefore, there is no information about the duration for which it will be effective.

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