Oh wow! Your name will also come in Google search! This is Google’s new feature

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If you want people to search you on Google and know about you, then you do not need to become a celebrity for this. Google has made arrangements to bring your identity to the world. Google has launched the People Cards feature in India.

If you want people to search you on Google and know about you, then you do not need to become a celebrity for this. Google has made arrangements to bring your identity to the world. Google has launched the People Cards feature in India. This is a kind of Virtual Visiting Card. With the help of which you can search any person by going in Google search, or any person can search you. In it, the same information about you will be visible to the world. Let it be said that the need in India is more because here many people have the same name.

What will happen in Google People Cards?

Google has added many features in view of India’s large population. Like any person can make only one card. This card will be issued only after investigation. Each card will have to give details of the person’s photo, business, location, so that it can be distinguished from other cards with the same name. If the user wants, then he can add information like writing, contact, village and social media profiles to this card. The user will have complete control over his card, he can erase his information and update whenever he wants. Apart from this, if the user wants to close the card forever, he can also do it. After this, the user name will never be visible in Google search. Google has now made this feature for mobile search. This feature is not currently available for the web.

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How to create Google People Card?

People card is very easy to make. First of all, you have to log in to your Google account. After this, the user has to search his name by going to Google or type ‘Add me to Search’. First of all, the user has to add to Google search. After this the user can start making his card. You can add any photo you want to your card. You can also write a small profile about yourself below it. Your card will be ready as soon as you save by entering your social media profiles, e-mail, etc.

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