All about Green Tea

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When it comes to fitness and health, green tea benefits cannot be denied. Due to the health benefits of green tea, its trend is increasing worldwide. Several studies done on this, have also highlighted its medicinal properties, which we will discuss in this article. In this article, the various benefits of green tea have been discussed.

Readers should note that even though the benefits of green tea are many, it cannot be considered a medical treatment of any of the diseases included in the article. The benefits of green tea can only play a supporting role in preventing physical problems and reducing their effects to some extent.

What is Green Tea?

Before we give information about the benefits of green tea, we need to inform our readers about ‘what is green tea’. Green tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves of this plant are used not only in making green tea, but also in other types of tea such as black tea, but green tea has been seen to have the greatest effect on human health. If we talk about green tea and black tea, even if they are from the same plant, but the method of making both is different. To produce green tea, fresh leaves are immediately steamed after breaking, so that green tea is well formed. This process preserves health-promoting natural polyphenols. Apart, it contains more catechin than black and oolong tea, which is a type of antioxidant. The article will further explain its medicinal properties and the health benefits that result from it.

After knowing what is green tea, know more types of green tea.

 Types of Green Tea

There are many types of green tea available in the market, but it is not possible to mention all. Therefore, below we are giving information about some types of green tea:

• Jasmine Green-Tea

• Morocco Mint Green Tea

• Gain Macha Green-Tea

• Dragon Well Green-Tea

• Hauzicha Green-Tea

• Kucicha Green-Tea

• Sencha Green-Tea

• Gyokuro Green-Tea

• Bilocan Green-Tea

• Macha Green-Tea

If there is a dilemma by reading the names of these green tea, then for the information, let us know that they will be easily found in the nearest super market or online.

Now it is time to learn about the benefits of green tea.

 Benefits of Green Tea

There are many benefits of green tea. It can help control obesity and diabetes and may also help to some extent in preventing the risk of fatal disease like cancer. The benefits of green tea can be effective for inner health as well as skin and hair. The physical benefits from green tea are explained below.

Read below what are the benefits of green tea for health.

1. The benefits of green tea to lose weight

Green tea can be beneficial in reducing weight. The anti-oxidant present in it can help in reducing weight by increasing metabolism. According to a research published on the website of NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information), moderate-intensity exercise along with drinking green tea can promote fat oxidation (fat burning), which helps control obesity. In addition, in another study, intake of a mixture of catechin and caffeine present in green tea may show a somewhat positive effect in reducing weight and keeping weight balanced. To know more about this, readers can also read our article of Green Tea for Weight Loss.

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At the same time, according to another research, the weight loss effect of green tea has been found to be significantly lower in obese individuals. In such a situation, it is not appropriate to rely solely on green tea to lose weight, but with it, proper diet, regular exercise and yoga are also necessary.

2. Benefits of drinking green tea for the brain

Consumption of green tea can also be beneficial for the brain. Actually, a research done on this subject has revealed that green tea can improve the functioning of the brain along with reducing anxiety. In addition, it may also show positive effects in increasing concentration. Research suggests that all of these benefits may have a combined effect of the caffeine and l-theanine (l-theanine – a type of chemical) present in green. In such a situation, it can be consumed in balanced quantities.

3. Benefits of Green Tea for Mouth Health

Consuming green tea can also be beneficial for mouth health. Its use can prevent mouth infection. According to an Indian study, green tea catechin can prevent P. gingivalis and other similar bacteria such as Prevotella Intermedia and Prevotella Nigrescens from growing. All these bacteria can affect the health of the mouth.

In addition, another research has found that green tea can control tooth plaque and prevent tooth decay. Polyphenols present in green tea can act as an anti-plaque agent to prevent plaque from freezing in the mouth. Washing with green tea can be very beneficial, but it is better to consult a doctor once.

4. Benefits of Green Tea for Diabetes

The benefits of drinking green tea include prevention of diabetes. Indeed, a study conducted in Japan found that individuals consuming six or more cups of green tea per day had a 33% reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, compared to those who consumed less than one cup of green tea per day.

Furthermore, studies on mice have revealed that green tea intake can improve insulin sensitivity (when insulin effectively converts blood glucose into energy). At the same time, it can prevent insulin resistance (Insulin Resistance – when cells do not respond to insulin, which increases blood sugar levels) and hyperglycemia (Hyperglycemia – increased glucose in the blood). In simple terms, green tea has anti-diabetic properties, which can reduce the risk of diabetes by reducing the level of glucose in the blood.

5. Benefits of Green-Tea for Cholesterol

According to a report by Harvard Medical School, green tea can lower levels of harmful cholesterol, which increases the risk of heart disease. At the moment, most studies have been done on capsules containing catechin (polyphenols present in green tea). There is a need for further research on just how beneficial it will be.

6. Benefits of Green Tea to Improve Immunity

Green tea intake can also help improve immunity. It can help strengthen the body’s immunity as well as protect the body from free radicals.

7. Benefits of Green Tea for Alzheimer’s

Consumption of green tea can also reduce the risk of many mental illnesses. Alzheimer’s is one of those diseases. In this disease, a person’s memory starts to get weaker day by day and the decision-making ability also decreases. In such a situation, green tea can be consumed to prevent this disease. The polyphenols present in it, epiglocatechin-3-gallate (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), may benefit in this work. At the moment, it still needs research.

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8. Benefits of Green Tea for Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, polyphenol (catechin) is responsible for the tea’s anti-cancer properties. The most reliable of these is EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate). It can fight free radicals and protect cells from DNA damage. The polyphenols present in green tea can also process the immune system.

 According to another study done on animals, green tea can help prevent the risk of certain types of cancer (lung, skin, breast, liver, stomach and intestine). Also green tea can be helpful in stopping the spread of cancer cells. Also, we cannot ignore the fact that cancer is a serious disease. Relying only on home remedies for its treatment is not right. For this, proper medical treatment should be the first priority, home remedies can only give some relief from the symptoms of cancer.

9. Benefits of drinking green tea for blood pressure

Green tea can also be beneficial for blood pressure. Actually, according to research published on a health website, intake of green tea can reduce blood pressure. At the same time, according to another research, in overweight and obese adults, green tea or GTE (GTE – green tea extract) supplementation has been found to cause a small, but significant reduction in BP. At the moment, further study is still needed on this subject. If someone is consuming it for the first time, then definitely seek medical advice. Also, if someone has a problem of low blood pressure, then it is good to avoid the consumption of green tea.

10. Green Tea for Gastrointestinal Disorders

Green tea intake can also be beneficial for gastrointestinal disorders (stomach or digestive problems). A study has revealed that the catechin present in green tea is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and may aid in the fight against diseases. In this way, green tea can be included in daily life to prevent gastrointestinal disorders.

11. Benefits of drinking green tea for bones

Green tea intake can also be beneficial for bones. This can be followed by bioactive compounds present in green tea. Indeed, its intake may reduce the risk of fracture by improving bone mineral density. On the other hand, it can improve osteoblastic activities (Osteoblastic Activities – bone formation) by reducing osteoclastic activities (bone breakdown process) activities. At the same time, research done on mice showed that green tea polyphenol can reduce the risk of bone loss due to inflammation and oxidative stress. At the moment, most of the results are based on studies done on animals, yet further research is needed to find out its better effect on humans.

12. Benefits of Green Tea for Longevity

The benefits of green tea are many, longevity is also one of the same benefits. Green tea can prevent many diseases by increasing immunity. As we mentioned above, green tea can help in the prevention of diseases such as bone problems, cancer and diabetes. On the other hand, according to an American study, caffeine intake can also cause many physical problems. According to the research, excessive intake of caffeine can also increase the risk of sleep problems, restlessness, lack of calcium in the body and fractures. On this basis, it is difficult to clearly state whether green tea is helpful in increasing lifespan. In such a situation, it can be simply speculated that its limited intake can help reduce the risk of diseases, which can help in aging.

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13. Benefits of Green Tea for the Heart

According to a report by Harvard Medical School, Green Tea can be beneficial for the heart. Heart disease can also be avoided by consuming it. A study conducted on 40,530 Japanese adults found that individuals who consumed more than five cups of green tea per day compared to individuals consuming more than five cups of green tea per day, had a 26 percent increased risk of heart attack or stroke and others. The risk of death from all causes was 16 percent lower. On the other hand, a study found that the catechin present in tea can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis – plaque formation in the arteries) disease. At the moment, further research is still needed on this subject.

14. Benefits of drinking green tea under stress

A study conducted on mice found that the polyphenols present in Green-Tea produce antidepressant effects. Its antidepressant properties may prove beneficial in stress conditions. On the other hand, the caffeine present in green tea can also play an important role in the treatment of stress. Consuming less caffeine-rich green tea can relieve stress problems to some extent. However, further scientific studies are needed in this regard.

15. Benefits of Green Tea for Skin

Along with health, green tea also has benefits for the skin. Studies on animals have revealed that consumption or use of green tea extracts may reduce the risk of skin tumors due to harmful ultraviolet rays. It also has antiinflammatory properties, which can act like anticancer. The polyphenol epiglocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG, epigallocatechin-3-gallate) present in it may be responsible for this.

Research has shown protective effects of EGCG on the oxidative stress caused by UVB (Ultraviolet Radiation) when used on the skin of mice. Explain that oxidative stress affects the skin negatively. However, very little human study has been done to know its better effects on humans, so further research on this topic still needs to be done.

How to use

• Put a green tea bag in a quarter cup of cold water for about five minutes.

• When the time is up, take out the tea bag and add two teaspoons of rose water to the green tea water.

• Now with the help of cotton, use this mixed water to clean the face before sleeping.

The remaining water can be stored in the fridge for further use.

16. Benefits of Green Tea for Hair

Green tea can also be beneficial for hair. In a research by the University of Medical and Science (Los Angeles), when mice were given a green tea polyphenol extract in water, hair growth was observed in them. At the same time, no improvement in hair growth was observed in mice given only water. However, further testing is still needed to know if this test has been done on animals and how much effect it can have on humans. Green tea can be used for hair as described below.

How to use

• Put three to four green-tea bags in half a liter of water.

• Take out the green tea bags after five to ten minutes.

• After shampoo and conditioner wash hair with green-tea water.

• This process can be repeated two to three times a week.

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