Electricity bill will be zero Get this system for just Rs 7500

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Why does the electricity bill come up so much every month, even those who send the electricity bill will not have the answer to this objective question. Therefore, it is better to get involved in reducing the electricity bill, so that something should not be done. can it happen.

Center, state subsidy on solar panel installation

Solar energy is rapidly making inroads in villages, cities

Install solar panel, tension of electricity bill is over

Why does the electricity bill come up so much every month, even those who send the electricity bill will not have the answer to this objective question. Therefore, it is better to get involved in reducing the electricity bill, so that something should not be done. can it happen. Because there is no rocket science in it but ‘solar’ science.

Solar energy is making rapid inroads in villages, towns and cities. Government of India is also running many schemes regarding renewable energy. To reduce our dependence on electricity generated from water or coal, all the state governments including the Center are also giving subsidy on solar energy. Today, solar energy is being used in fields, homes and homes, offices and factories. Buses, cars and trains are now running with solar energy.

This is how you will get rid of electricity bills

In this episode of Solar Energy Scheme, Haryana Government is promoting solar energy to make every house self-sufficient in the field of energy. A special scheme is being run to install solar panels in every house of the state. Under this scheme, every family will become self-sufficient in terms of energy and they will get rid of paying electricity bills.

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What is Manohar Jyoti Yojana?

In 2017, the Haryana government started the Manohar Jyoti Yojana (Manohar Jyoti Yojana) for the people of the state. Scientific Engineer of Haryana Renewal Energy Department Agency (HAREDA) P.K. Nautiyal told that Manohar Jyoti Yojana is for all the families of Haryana state. The objective of this scheme is to promote renewable energy under solar system within the state.

Benefits of manohar jyoti scheme

Under the Manohar Jyoti scheme, each family is given a 150 watt solar system. Lithium batteries are also provided along with solar systems. With this system, 3 LED lights, a fan and mobile charging port can be run.

The cost of 150 watt solar panel and all the accessories comes to Rs 22,500. The Haryana government is giving a subsidy of Rs 15,000 on this. In this way, the scheme can be availed by depositing just Rs 7,500.

How to apply

To take advantage of the Manohar Jyoti Yojana, you should have Aadhar card, bank account, native certificate of being a resident of Haryana. Your bank account should be linked to your Aadhaar number. To get solar panels installed at home under this scheme, you have to visit the website hareda.gov.in. For more information about this scheme, phone number 0172-2586933 can also be contacted.

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