Corona virus: How much Vulnerable are the People with Diabetes?

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Corona virus can infect anyone, but there is a greater risk for those who already have a health problem or who are aged.

According to a study by The Lancet Journal, people who are aged or who have diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes, are at a higher risk of being killed by the corona virus.

The study was conducted on 191 patients from two hospitals in Wuhan in China. In it, the researchers studied those who had either died or been discharged from the hospital.

135 patients were from Jinyinathan Hospital and 56 from Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital. Of these, 137 were discharged and 54 were killed. Out of the total sample, 58 patients had hypertension, 36 had diabetes and 15 had heart-related diseases.

The age of 191 patients ranged from 18 to 87 years. Most of the patients were men.

The risks associated with serious illness and death were investigated in this study.

One of the main reasons for the patients who died was that aged patients had symptoms of sepsis at the time of hospitalization. They had diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes.

However, researchers opine that the conclusion cannot have blanker meaning, as the sample size is small.

There is a large number of diabetes patients in India. According to the International Diabetes Federation, the number of diabetes patients in India by 2019 was 7.7 crore. Many people infected with Corona virus are also being told to have diabetes. However, data on how many such diabetes patients are infected, are not available.

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According to Global Asthma Report 2018, 1.31 million people in India have asthma including 6 percent children and two percent adults.

In such a situation, if you have a disease for a long time and are afraid of Corona virus, then experts are telling you what you can do.

Who is at greater risk?

If you already have a disease, it is not necessary that you get coronavirus infection sooner than others, but after the infection, the situation can be more serious than other patients.

It has been observed that older people and those already suffering from respiratory disease (asthma), weak immune system, diabetes and heart disease are more likely to be seriously ill in comparison with those who are healthy.

Many people recover from corona virus infection after a few days of rest. For many people it can be more serious and in rare cases, it can even endanger life. Its symptoms are similar to other diseases, such as a cold, cold, cough, fever and difficulty in breathing.

What to do if you have Asthma?

People who have asthma, can keep inhaler as told by doctor. This will reduce the risk of an asthma attack caused by the virus.

Take your inhaler with you every day. If your asthma is increasing then there is a danger that you may have corona virus. In this case, call the helpline number.

What to do when you have Diabetes?

People who have type one and type two diabetes, may have severe symptoms of corona virus.

“Corona virus or Covid-19 can cause complications in patients with diabetes,” said Dan Howarth, Head of Care at Diabetes UK. If you have diabetes and cough, fever, difficulty in breathing then keep measuring your blood sugar and seek the help of a doctor. ”

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According to a new advice of the Chief Medical Advisor of the UK Government, elderly people do not have to separate themselves.

Direct Caroline Abraham of Age UK Charity says that family and friends of elderly people need to constantly take care of their health. If you have any doubt or confusion about your health, get more information about it from the helpline.

If there is any disease already

People who have high blood pressure, respiratory problems or poor immunity should take extra care to avoid the virus.

Corona virus also causes respiratory problems. The virus affects the throat, respiratory tract, and lungs. In such a situation, the treatment becomes more challenging if there is any problem beforehand. If symptoms of flu are seen, then a doctor should be consulted immediately.

Deborah Arnott, chief executive of Public Health Charity Ash advises that people who smoke more should quit smoking to reduce the risk.

“Smokers are more prone to respiratory infections,” she says. They have twice the risk of developing pneumonia compared to non-smokers. Quitting smoking can help you in many ways. Taking inspiration from this problem of corona virus, quit smoking before the situation becomes serious.

Treatment of corona virus is based on helping the patient’s body breathe and increasing the body’s immunity so that the person’s body is able to fight the virus itself.

So far 16,116 cases of corona virus have been reported in India and more than 500 people have died.

So far 146 countries of the world have been affected and 1078,648 cases of infection have been confirmed.


Ashish Jha is working as a creative Content head in a Prestigious Publication. He has authored “Arthritis ko Karen Alwida.” His book “ Rashtriya Aaay lekhankan” is recommended in more than a dozen prestigious Indian Universities. Mr. Jha has translated the book “We Can” into Hindi language with the name “Safalta ki Udan.” The author of the book “We Can” is Commander V.K. Jaitley, honourable president, All India IIT Kharagpur Alumni Association. Ashish has also edited the book “Child Safety” written by the Paagman of India, Mr Birbal Jha. As a ghost writer, he has written more than 50 books. He also runs a website Today Twigs.

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