Does having period sex increase my chances of getting endometriosis? Let’s find out

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Endometriosis is a serious and painful condition affecting women’s reproductive health, but is it caused by period sex? Here’s what you need to know.

Can having sex during periods give you endometriosis? Image : Shutterstock

We have a love-hate relationship with periods. We may not like pain and discomfort, but we also know that our periods tell us a lot about our overall health. Regular periods with normal flow and mild pain mean that we are healthy. On the other hand, irregular flow and an irregular period with pain can point to diseases like endometriosis.

It is believed that about 10 percent of women suffer from endometriosis. So, it is quite normal and many women experience difficulties associated with it. To understand whether period sex can cause endometriosis, we first need to understand what endometriosis is.

What is endometriosis?

Periods are your body’s way of discarding the monthly buildup of the lining of your uterus called the endometrium. But, something is different when you have endometriosis.

In endometriosis, tissue that is similar to the tissue that makes up the lining of your uterus grows outside your uterine cavity. It can develop on your ovaries and pelvic tissue. Symptoms of endometriosis include:

-heavy flow

– Cramps that begin a week or two before menstruation

-uncomfortable bowel movements

Extreme pain during or after sex

-back pain

Does period sex increase the risk of endometriosis?

Women have many things to say about what to do during the flow. Some of them are myths that can be easily overlooked. But some are definitely true and we need to understand our reproductive system better. Many people believe that women should avoid sex during menstruation.

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Having sex during your period is a personal choice, but it is perfectly normal to do so. However, one may wonder whether this can lead to endometriosis. Truth be told, the exact reason behind endometriosis is not yet clear, but researchers are working to find out whether certain factors may increase the chances of developing the disease. For years, many physicians have believed that early periods can cause endometriosis. In retrogate periods, blood starts flowing back into the fallopian tubes and pelvic cavity instead of out of the body.

There may be a connection between period sex and endometriosis. Image : Shutterstock

What the research says?

A study published in the International Journal of Fertility and Sterility found that “sexual activity during menstruation appears to increase backward flow, or periods, sending endometrial tissue to abnormal sites and thus the risk of endometriosis.” increases.”

Therefore, having sex during periods can increase the risk of endometriosis. However, further research is still needed in this matter.

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