Corona Virus: Five Ways to Work Well From Home

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Several efforts are being made to stop the corona virus from spreading. The most effective among them may be social distancing, that is, to stay away from others and stay at home as much as possible.

But people have to leave for work. People are trying to find a way to do this by working from home.

Many people have started working from home, so many people are going to start now.

If you too are going to start working from home and are thinking how to work well from home. So these five ways can help you.

What to wear at home

The first thing that comes to the mind of people as soon as they listen to work from home is that they will work comfortably in pajamas at home.

But if you take a bath and wear clothes that you wear to go to office, then this makes you mentally ready to work.

How you dress depends on your work. Some people may feel that if they wear formal clothes then it will be better and even if they have to make a video call, they will be comfortable.

For some people, getting ready can mean taking a shower and changing the clothes they wear at bedtime. It may mean that you wear a T-shirt or jeans.

This will be another benefit. When you finish work in the evening, after changing clothes, you will feel that you have been discharged and now you have come home from office.

Set Routine

If you work in a company, then your working hours will be fixed. Therefore, even when you are working from home, you should work according to these hours.

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Start the day the way you normally would. After reaching the office, start working from home at the same time as you start work and till the hours you work in the office, work at home till the same time.

Blogger and fleece writer M Sheldon says that she works from home by fixing the routine. She advises, “Sleep at the right time. So that you can get sleep and you wake up at the time at which you normally get up.”

She says, “I also schedule my workouts and keep my gym kit ready so that I can get up at the right time and go.”

“What you do repeatedly becomes your habit. The first week can be challenging for you, but gradually it will become part of your routine.”

Turn off your computer after the work is finished and clear the space around you. Remove paper and other items.

Set a place in the house that you will sit here and work. It would be better to put a table and chair like you have in your office.

Doctors recommend that you sit properly while working. Keep your chair properly, sit so that you can work on the keyboard by keeping your wrists properly. If you sit properly, you will avoid back pain.

If there are more people in the house then it is important to sit in a place where there is no noise so that you can work in peace.

In 2017, a difficult situation arose for Professor Robert Kelly. Their interview was going live on BBC News, when both of their children entered the room. This video became very popular which has been seen more than 30 million times so far.

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Ros Robinson manages a team of freelancers in his company. They say that people should avoid one more thing.

He says, “When people are working from home, they try to communicate a lot. Maybe they want to see more or tell what they are doing at that time. There is no problem in that. – But there is no need to do this much. If you are doing some work and want to do that work well – then you can talk to the boss for the important things. “

Also go out for a while (if you are not in self-isolation)

Work from home does not mean that you will be closed at home all day.

After daily work, it would be good to get out of the house once.

So put on shoes, get out and eat some fresh air. This will also help in fixing the mantle block and it will also make your brain a little fresher, so you will feel comfortable working the next day.

Talk on the Phone too

If you are working at home, then maybe you are alone at home. There will be no office noise. The voices of colleagues will not distract you.

When you are in the office, you also talk to colleagues, but while working from home you may not talk to anyone all day, it means

It is possible that you are completely isolated.

So take some time, pick up the phone and instead of talking on email, do some talk on the phone as well.

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Hugh Mortimer, who works as a freelance PR consultant, says that if you talk to people on the phone instead of just talking over email, then you will feel more at work.

Jack Evan, the business lead of a company that is getting his staff temporarily started working from home, says his plan is to talk 30 minutes a day through video conferencing.

He says, “Even during lunch time we can talk like this through video message. So that it does not happen that people are just doing work. It is not only necessary for work.”

Keep Taking a Break

While working from home, it is good to set a routine, but also keep in mind that it does not become boring.

And you should not stick to your screen all day. It is important that you keep taking screen breaks from time to time and get up from your desk and take a walk as you walk a bit in the office.

Research also says that instead of taking long breaks, taking short breaks in between is more beneficial.

Many people working from home recommend adopting the Pomodoro technique. In this method of time management, you break the working day into 25-25 minute parts. A break of five minutes is taken after every 25 minutes.

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