Honey (Shahad) Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

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You must have tasted the sweet taste of honey, but do you know about its miraculous benefits? Honey is also called Madhu, which is excellent in taste as well as full of medicinal properties. This delicious food item has been used for centuries as a powerful Ayurvedic medicine. Its antibacterial elements work to cleanse the human body. In this article, we are going to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of honey, so that you can get acquainted with its various properties. First, know about the different types of honey.

Types of Honey

You will find different types of honey in the market, which can be classified into the following forms.

• Manuka honey

• Clover honey

• Leather Wood Honey

• Buckwheat Honey

• Alfalfa Honey

• Rosemary Honey

• Blueberry Honey

• Lavender Honey

• Wildflower Honey etc.

Various forms of honey have also been mentioned in Ayurveda – makshik, bhramar, kshodra, nourishing, student, aradhya, oudalik and dal.

Benefits of Honey

Continuing research on the disease prevention properties of honey is going on. It is a virtuous substance, which is nothing less than a natural gift to man. Many nutrients are found in honey, including glucose, vitamins, amino alum, food and sugar etc. These elements together give honey a medicinal form.

Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is a food as well as effective Ayurvedic medicine, using which you can get rid of many diseases. Know here about the benefits of honey and ways to eat honey.

Honey is a food as well as effective Ayurvedic medicine, using which you can get rid of many diseases. Learn about the benefits of honey and ways to eat honey here.

1. Helpful in weight loss

Increased body weight has become a serious physical problem, for which people are ready to take any remedy. Increasing weight makes your body tired quickly and also spoils the body’s structure. Uncontrolled eating and drinking is the biggest reason for this. Here we are telling how to use honey for weight loss.

How to use:

• Mix half a lemon juice and one teaspoon honey in a glass of warm water, take it every morning after waking up and before bedtime.

• Make this process part of the routine. Along with this, the digestive system will be fine along with weight loss.

How beneficial it is:

Vitamin-A and B are found in honey. It does not contain fat, so it helps in weight loss. Honey eliminates excess body fat. Therefore, you can use honey for weight loss.

 2 . Beneficial in cold

It is believed that honey is more effective than modern cold medicines. Know further how to use honey to reduce cold.

How to use:

• In winter, you can take honey after getting up in the morning and before sleeping at night.

• You can either take two teaspoons of honey in this way or you can take it in a glass of warm.

• Keep in mind that children below the age of 1 year should not take it in case of cold and cold.

How beneficial it is:

Honey has antibiotic properties, which removes throat infections. Honey is also very beneficial for sore throat and high cough pain. This is a natural cure especially for children.

3. Honey during diabetes

Is honey beneficial for diabetic patients? This question may confuse you for a short time, but let us tell you that diabetes patients can consume it. There are many ways you can consume honey to control diabetes.

How to use:

• Mix three spoons of basil, neem and turmeric powder well with one spoon of honey.

• Take a spoon on an empty stomach every morning.

• Repeat this process for one month.

In addition, you can take half a teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of yogurt.

How beneficial it is:

Honey contains a lot of micro nutrients, which are considered very beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Regular intake of it reduces hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Hyperglycemia is a condition in which the body stops making insulin. In this situation the amount of sugar in the body increases.

4. Honey for cuts, burns and wounds

Honey has been used for centuries for cuts, burns or wounds. Know below, how to use honey for injury and injury.

How to use:

• First of all, wash the area of ​​injury or wound with clean water and wipe it well with a cloth.

• Now apply honey well on the wound and tie bandage.

• Use honey so that the wound or injury is covered properly.

• Repeat the process of applying honey again after five-six hours. If the injury is serious, you must go to the doctor.

How beneficial it is:

This natural substance acts as an effective medicine for healing wounds and injuries. Honey is also used in the burning of any part of the body. Its antioxidants, antibacterials and shaking elements act to prevent infection.

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5. Honey during high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a serious problem in which arteries are affected and blood pressure increases. Know how to consume honey at this stage.

How to use:

• In case of high blood pressure, take equal quantity (about 226 grams) of the juice of celery leaves and honey and take it thrice a day.

• Repeat this process for a week.

How beneficial it is:

Celery leaves are effective for high blood pressure, as they work to heal the liver. Control of hypertension can be achieved by taking the juice of celery leaves mixed with honey.

6. Lowers cholesterol level

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in all cells of the body. It helps to develop hormones in the body and keep cells healthy, but its overdose can prove fatal for the body. Due to increased cholesterol, the blood becomes thick and the risk of heart attack and other diseases increases. Here we are telling you how to use honey to control cholesterol.

How to use:

• With the help of a grinder, extract the juice of an onion and dissolve it in honey (as required). To control cholesterol, take this mixture twice a day.

• You can also use cinnamon instead of onion. Taking cinnamon powder (three teaspoons) mixed with warm water (one glass) of honey (three teaspoons) can help control the rising cholesterol.

Repeat this process for 15 days.

How it is beneficial:

Honey can be used to control cholesterol. Honey does not contain cholesterol and its daily intake significantly reduces cholesterol levels. Important elements like potassium and sodium are found in honey, which are beneficial for the body.

7. Body gets energy:

Natural honey relieves various diseases as well as increases energy in the body. Learn how to consume honey to get more energy.

How to use:

• You can take two teaspoons of honey morning and night before bed.

• Or you can also take one teaspoon of honey with three teaspoons of curd.

How it is beneficial:

Consuming honey in this way will work to increase the energy level in your body. Honey is rich in vitamins and minerals, which provide essential nutrition to the body. To overcome physical weakness, you should consume honey in the above mentioned ways.

8. Strengthens bones

Honey can be used in both internal and external forms. Honey, full of medicinal properties, is particularly effective in bone problems caused by women.

• You can take two teaspoons of honey in the morning and at night before bed.

• Or you can take honey (two spoons) with a glass of warm water.

• You can also take honey (one teaspoon) with milk (one glass). Milk contains calcium, which is necessary for bones. You can take this mixture before sleeping at night.

Tulang honey has been shown to be effective in treating osteoporosis problems in women after menopause. Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory elements in honey are very beneficial for bones. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weak.

9. Improves immunity

Honey can be consumed to improve and enhance immunity. Know how to consume honey to increase immunity?

How to use:

• Mix one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice in a cup of warm water and drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

How beneficial it is:

Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties help improve the digestive system and enhance immunity. It is a great source of antioxidants, which helps in removing toxins from the body.

10. Heart disease

Honey is also effective in treating cardiovascular diseases. Its regular intake helps in keeping the heart healthy.

How to use:

• One tablespoon honey daily in the morning with a glass of warm water.

• or a spoonful of honey every morning and night before bed.

How beneficial it is:

Honey is enriched with phenolic compound components, which act as natural antioxidants. The link of phenolic components present in honey includes quercetin, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, acacetin, campharol and galangin, etc., which benefit in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

11. Nails’ Beautification

Honey is also used to increase physical beauty. Very few people are unaware of the fact that honey makes nails strong and beautiful.

How to use:

• First, heat the milk (one fourth of cup) and olive (one teaspoon) oil lightly.

• Then add honey (one teaspoon) and lemon juice (one teaspoon) to it.

• Soak your hand in this mixture for 30 seconds.

• Then gently massage the nails with the fingers out.

• Wash your hands with a hand moisturizer after massaging for about 5 minutes.

How beneficial it is:

Honey acts as an effective moisturizer. It has healing and nutritional properties as well as antioxidant properties, which help fight bacteria. The antioxidants and enzymes found in honey work to enhance the beauty of hair, face and nails.

12. Useful for asthma

Honey is widely used for physical discomfort such as cough and fever. Here, know which honey is useful for you asthma patients.

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How to use:

• Two teaspoons before bedtime or two spoons with a glass of lukewarm water. Repeat this process twice a day.

• You can also add a quarter teaspoon of lemon juice or cinnamon powder to it.

How beneficial it is:

Apart from cough, fever, infection, honey is also considered very effective for asthma. Honey’s antioxidant, anti-immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties significantly reduce the effects of asthma in the body.

13. Beneficial for oral health

Negative effects of uncontrolled eating and nutrition in the body have also been observed on the teeth. Due to lack of calcium and other essential nutrients, problems like breakdown and weakening of teeth arise. In this situation honey may prove beneficial for you.

• Gargle with two spoons of honey in warm water.

• Apply some amount of lemon and honey on the gums and then rinse with lukewarm water.

• Follow this for a few days to get rid of gum bacteria.

How beneficial it is:

Honey can be used to relieve dental problems. Honey has antibacterial properties, which help to remove oral bacteria.

14. For Cancer

Honey is also used for everything from common physical problems to serious illnesses. The components present in honey are believed to be effective in treating cancer.

How to use:

• Cancer patients should replace ‘Heat Treated Honey’ with Raw Honey. In this subject, you should consult a doctor.

How beneficial it is:

Phenolic compounds found in honey are found to have anti-cancer properties, which greatly help prevent many types of cancer. Honey also contains anti-inflammatory elements, making it the most important food to prevent cancer. Honey also modifies the immune system, which helps in the treatment of cancer.

Skin Benefits of Honey

Apart from treating physical ailments, honey has many other benefits. It is also used to enhance the beauty of the skin. Nail pimples, thread-spots, cracked lips greatly affect the beauty of the face.

1. Pimples

Nowadays everyone is concerned about their skin care. Everyone wants them to look beautiful, but the facial pimples and stains spoil the beauty of the face. This problem is common during puberty. In such a situation, honey can help you a lot.

How to use:

• You can use honey as a facepack.

• For a honey facepack, you need to apply a thin layer of honey from face to neck.

• Allow honey on the face for 30 minutes.

• Then wash your mouth with clean water.

How beneficial it is:

Honey removes impurities from the skin pores and also acts like a natural antiseptic. It stops pimples on the face.

2. Facial glow

Honey has antiseptic and moisturizing properties, which work to remove pimples and blemishes from the face. You can also increase the radiance of your face by using honey.

How to use:

• You can use honey as a ‘skin lightening mask’.

• To make a mask, mix well with one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon lemon juice, one teaspoon milk and half teaspoon almond oil.

• Apply the mixture well on the face and leave it in this state for 15 minutes.

• After 15 minutes wash the face with clean cold water.

How beneficial it is:

In this way, the use of honey will make your face soft and shiny. The antiseptic and antibacterial properties present in honey will remove nail-acne and blemish. You can use honey for a glowing face.

3. Beneficial for wrinkles

Wrinkles are a common facial problem that begins to appear with aging. Unlike modern medicines, this problem can be treated with the help of home remedies.

How to use:

• You can use honey as an anti-aging mask.

• To make the mask, first mix papaya (grilled), milk or yogurt with one spoon of honey as needed.

• Apply the mixture on the face and leave it for 30 minutes.

• After 30 minutes wash your mouth with cold water.

How beneficial it is:

Honey is a natural humidifier, which moisturizes the top layers of the skin. This process helps to improve facial wrinkles. In addition, the antioxidant properties of honey keep the skin young.

4. Dry skin

Along with nail pimples, dry skin also affects the beauty of the face to a great extent. You can use honey to make dry and lifeless skin soft and shiny.

How to use:

• Mix equal amount of curd in one tablespoon of honey.

• Then apply this mixture well on face and throat.

• After 15 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water.

How beneficial it is:

Honey and yogurt have antibacterial and antioxidant properties, which are quite beneficial for dry skin. Together, they make dry and lifeless skin soft and shiny. You can adopt this home remedy to get a glowing face.

5. Treatment of chapped lips

Honey is an effective home remedy for cracked lips.

How to use:

• Apply some amount of honey on your cracked lips before going to bed at night.

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• Allow honey to remain on the lips throughout the night.

• Wash your mouth with cold water in the morning.

How beneficial it is:

By this process, honey is absorbed well into the lips and makes lips moist. Honey’s beneficial ingredients can help relieve chapped lips.

6. Facial Cleansing

Honey is beneficial for the skin in many ways. You can also use it for facial cleansing. This is an effective face wash.

How to use:

• Mix a few drops of water in a spoonful of honey.

• Then slowly apply it on face and throat with the help of your fingers.

• After massaging for 5 minutes, wash your mouth with lukewarm water.

How beneficial it is:

In this way honey can be used to remove dirt from the face. Honey’s antibacterial properties are quite beneficial for the face.

Hair Benefits of Honey

The beauty of the body is incomplete without hair. Especially women desire that their hair looks thick, strong and beautiful, but due to the modern lifestyle, hair has to go through many problems, such as dandruff, hair breakage, split hair and roughness etc. If you are struggling with any of these problems then you can use honey. Honey is an effective home remedy to remove many problems of skin as well as hair. Know how honey is beneficial for hair.

1. Enhances Hair Quality

Hair loss is common due to lack of proper nutrition and pollution. Hair loss is found in both men and women. If you are struggling with this problem, then you can use honey to get rid of it.

How to use:

• For healthy hair, you can use honey with olive oil.

• For this, heat the olive oil (required).

• Then mix two spoons of honey in it. If you want, you can also add egg white part of it.

• Then apply this mixture well to wet hair.

• After 15 minutes wash the hair with shampoo.

How beneficial it is:

The antioxidant properties present in honey prevent hair breakage and keep hair healthy. Honey also has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which prevent any type of infection in the scalp from spreading.

2. Get rid of dandruff problem

Along with hair loss, the problem of dandruff also greatly affects the hair. Actually, the release of dead cells from the scalp is the dandruff, which shows the unhealthy condition of the hair.

How to use:

• To get rid of the problem of dandruff, you can apply honey (as required) on the scalp with some amount of water.

• Apply honey and leave hair for 3 hours.

• Wash hair thoroughly after three hours.

• Do this process once a week.

How beneficial it is:

Honey has antiviral, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve you from problems like dandruff.

3. Cleans the scalp

Honey also helps in cleaning the scalp and keeping it healthy.

How to use:

• To clean the scalp, you mix three teaspoons of clean water in one teaspoon of honey and massage the scalp thoroughly, so that the honey is well absorbed in your scalp.

• Then wash the hair with conditioner or shampoo.

• Repeat this process twice a week.

How beneficial it is:

Honey is an effective natural conditioner and moisturizer. The vitamins, minerals, antioxidant and antibacterial properties present in it keep the scalp clean and take care of the hair.

Side Effects of Honey

Along with the positive side of anything, there are also negative sides. There are many disadvantages of honey with various advantages. Learn about the disadvantages of honey through the points given below.

1. Allergies

Direct intake of honey may also cause you allergic problems. Those who are allergic to pollen (a powdery substance, which is usually yellow), do not consume honey. Also, excess of honey in the food can increase the allergy related to honey. Damage to honey also brings the name of anaphylaxis, which is a type of fatal allergic reaction.

2. Stomach ache

The disadvantages of honey include abdominal pain. Excessive intake of honey can cause stomach pain. Since, fructose content is found in it, honey can inhibit the nutrient absorption capacity of the small intestines.

3. Food poisoning

Food poisoning can also come under the disadvantages of honey. Excessive and direct intake of honey can cause botulism poisoning. This problem is found mostly in children.

4. Blood sugar

Honey contains glucose as well as sucrose, so its excessive intake can increase your blood sugar. Therefore, if you are a diabetic patient, consume honey on the advice of a doctor. Honey is a natural food item with medicinal properties, which you can use in various ways. From common physical problems to serious diseases can be treated through honey, but keep in mind that only proper intake and use will benefit you. If you are suffering from a serious problem, then please consult a doctor before consuming it.

One thought on “Honey (Shahad) Benefits, Uses and Side Effects

  • June 14, 2020 at 10:05 am

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.


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