5 Home Remedies That Can Relieve Your Joint Pain

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Home remedies for joint pain: There was a time when joint pain was known to be a problem of the elderly. But in today’s time this problem has started troubling the youth as well. Especially after the arrival of the Corona period (Joints Pain COVID) in India, most of the youth have started work from home, due to which there has been a lot of change in their posture of sitting and getting up.

Before Corona, where working people used to spend all their time sitting on chairs in the office throughout the day, the same time passes in a slanting position on the bed. And its direct damage falls on your joints. As a result, you have to face pain which makes it difficult to perform everyday activities. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some such home remedies, which you can try and get relief from joint pain.

Before going for joint pain treatment, it is very important for you to know that joint pain is mostly due to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, tendinitis or stress or any other injury that affects the ligaments around the joint. it happens. Apart from this, weight gain, sitting in the wrong way for a long time can also cause pain in the joints of the feet. In such a situation, let us know what are the home remedies for joint pain.

If you are suffering from joint pain for a long time and are not getting relief even with home remedies, then you can contact the orthopedician by visiting our site.

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Lose weight: Being overweight from normal weight gives many diseases at once. Joint pain is also a problem in these health problems. If your weight is more than normal, then it affects the joints of your body. Especially your knees, hips and feet become victims of overweight. In such a situation, if you lose weight, then the stress on different parts of your body can also be reduced and you can get rid of pain. Apart from this, other problems caused by obesity also get rid of.

Massage: If you have a problem with joint pain, then you can try cheap and durable home remedies. Yes, a regular massage every day can bring you a lot of relaxation. Massaging reduces joint pain and stiffness. Although you can do massage comfortably at home too, but to get the most benefit from it, you can also hire a physical therapist for joint pain. We recommend that you get the massage done by someone who has experience or consult your doctor before getting it done.

Rock salt: Rock salt will be easily available in your kitchen. Even if it is not there, you will find it available in every grocery shop in the market too. Bring rock salt at home and take its benefits. Rock salt, especially in the joint pain of the elderly, provides relief due to the presence of magnesium sulfate. To use rock salt, you can take warm water in a bowl and add a cup of rock salt i.e. Epsom salt to it. After it mixes well and dissolves in water, you immerse the painful part in it. If you want, you can also use it in bathing water.

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Fenugreek Seeds: You have rarely thought that fenugreek kept in a box in your kitchen can give you relief from joint pain. But you will be surprised to know that fenugreek has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which are used to reduce joint pain. To take advantage of this, you eat a spoonful of fenugreek powder and then drink a glass of water. By doing this regularly you are likely to get relief. If you want, you can soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight and consume them in the morning.

Olive oil: Olive oil is very beneficial for joint pain and arthritis. Applying olive oil on the joints produces lubrication, which reduces pain. Ilocanthal is present in olive oil, which helps to relieve the painful area. To get rid of the pain caused by arthritis, massage the knees with olive oil daily. This reduces the pain and gives you relief.
If you are suffering from joint pain for a long time and are not getting relief even with home remedies, then you can contact the orthopedician by visiting our site.

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