Planning for Pregnancy? Keep a Distance with these Things

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There comes a time in every woman’s life when she starts thinking seriously about becoming a mother. Usually, couples who do not even think about the child in the initial days of marriage, after a few years they also start wanting it. After becoming mentally and financially ready, if you are also seriously thinking of becoming a mother, then you should immediately remove some things from your life.

Dr Reshma Pai, a well-known Gynecologist and Infertility Specialist from reputed hospitals like Lilavati, Jaslok and Hinduja Healthcare in Mumbai tells about the precautions that every woman aspiring to get pregnant needs to take.

Avoid processed food

French-fries, fried onion rings, chicken nuggets etc are delicious to eat, but you need a healthy body while preparing to get pregnant, so cut these processed foods out of your diet. If seen, consumption of processed foods creates more inflammation in your body, which sometimes reduces the chances of pregnancy. So, it is better that you try to reduce the level of inflammation in your body and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to prepare the body for pregnancy.

Avoid smoking

Smoking means smoking is not good for your sperm or egg cells. Cigarettes are considered the killer of sperm and eggs. Women who smoke regularly have a higher risk of premature menopause. It would be better if you stop smoking yourself, as well as ask your husband to do the same, because the sperm motility decreases by 13% in men who smoke, which does not allow sperm to reach the egg. Quitting smoking will give you a better chance of conceiving and will also help in future pregnancies.

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Avoid excessive drinking

Excessive alcohol can reduce the motility of sperm, thereby reducing the chances of conception. So tell your husband to stop drinking or drinking less. On the other hand, if women do not abstain from drinking alcohol while trying to conceive, it can also cause fetal alcohol syndrome. If you want to have a healthy pregnancy, avoid being around people who can make you drink alcohol.

Avoid infection

When you are trying to get pregnant, you should avoid the consumption of foods that can give you an infection, for example uncooked dairy products, raw meat, soft cheese, sushi etc. These foods can cause fetal infection, which can lead to complications such as low birth weight, premature labor and, in some cases, miscarriage. Make sure you eat properly cooked food.

Don’t hesitate to get help

Pregnancy related problems are a serious medical condition. Just like people go to the doctor immediately when they have chest pain or high blood pressure, so do not hesitate to consult a good fertility specialist if you have fertility problems. You along with your husband should get all the tests recommended by the doctor, including check up of fallopian tubes, uterus, sperm health, genetic profile etc. Assisted fertility treatments like IVF can help you get pregnant.

If you can’t get pregnant then stop blaming yourself

In our society even today, the blame for having a child is usually placed on women. This is also a reason that if the couple is not having a baby, then the wife starts worrying more than the husband. While you are not able to get pregnant even if you want, your friends and relatives keep bragging all the time about how they got pregnant without any effort. This may have happened to them, but it usually takes about 6 to 12 months of trying to conceive in most cases.

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If you’re having trouble, seeking help from a fertility specialist will give you the diagnosis and information you need to increase your chances of pregnancy with proper treatment. Yes, get it all done, but stop blaming yourself immediately.

Avoid stress

Stress is a word that everyone hates. Everyone wants to avoid stress but it remains with you even if you don’t want to, especially when you are not able to get pregnant despite your efforts. You should immediately start practicing ways to deal with stress. Breathing exercises i.e. pranayama and meditation can help in dealing with stress. There are also many websites and apps that provide tips to relieve stress and enjoy a peaceful and happy life. Read and implement the ideas that you find easier.

Do whatever you can to keep your life healthy. Talk to your friends about your stress. Improve your personal and professional relationships and spend time with your loved ones to feel better. This will help you a lot in pregnancy.

Don’t feel uncomfortable seeing other pregnant women

Many women who are trying to conceive become sad and depressed when they see other women pregnant during a baby shower. Because of this, they feel uncomfortable in attending other women’s baby showers. If you are also one of them, do not force yourself to attend such events. Your friends will understand and all will be well. So, when it comes to baby shower, first of all listen to your heart and especially if you don’t want to go then avoid going. You should consult your gynecologist if you are unnecessarily stressed. They will tell you what you should and should not do to get pregnant.

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