How to crack IBPS Exams: Tips and Tricks

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How To Crack IBPS PO In 1 Month: Preparation Tips & Strategy

Hey there! Are you preparing for IBPS exam and feeling overwhelmed with the sheer amount of syllabus? Fear not! In this blog, we will unlock the secrets to ace IBPS with ease. Firstly, let’s understand what IBPS is all about. IBPS stands for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection, which conducts exams for various banking posts. Clearing IBPS exam is critical for landing jobs in the banking sector. The exam consists of multiple stages, including prelims, mains, and an interview round. Each stage is intended to test your aptitude, reasoning, and other skills. Exciting, isn’t it? Let’s dig in!



Understanding the Syllabus:


Now that we have a clear overview of the IBPS exam, let’s dive into the syllabus. The IBPS exam tests your proficiency in four areas – Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, English Language, and General Awareness. Now, let’s break down these areas for each stage.


Preliminary Exam:

The preliminary exam consists of three sections – Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. As far as reasoning is concerned, you can expect questions on puzzles, blood relations, coding-decoding, and syllogisms. As for Quantitative Aptitude, expect questions on simplification, data interpretation, and arithmetic. Finally, in the English Language section, you can expect questions on grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.


Main Exam:

The main exam consists of five sections – Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, English Language, General Awareness, and Computer Aptitude. In the Reasoning section, expect to encounter questions on seating arrangements, puzzles, and logical reasoning. As for Quantitative Aptitude, you can expect questions on data interpretation, quadratic equations, and time, speed, and distance. The English section requires you to be proficient in grammar, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. In the General Awareness section, the questions are mostly based on current affairs, banking, and finance.


With the syllabus out of the way, let’s move on to strategies for acing the IBPS exam!




Preparation Strategy


Preparing for IBPS might seem daunting at first, but with the right preparation strategy, you can definitely crack it. The first step is to create a study schedule that works for you. Figure out what times of day you’re most productive and schedule your study sessions accordingly. This will help you make the most of your time and prevent burnout.

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Mock tests are also an essential part of your preparation. They not only help you identify your strong and weak areas but also get you used to the exam format. Make sure to take a few mock tests before the actual exam to get accustomed to the time limit and to help you manage your time better.


Lastly, effective preparation is crucial to acing IBPS. Practice regularly, revise the topics you’re weak in, and solve sample papers to build your confidence. Don’t forget to take breaks in between study sessions to keep yourself refreshed.


Remember, IBPS is all about time management and effective preparation. With the right study schedule, mock tests, and practice, you can definitely ace it. So, keep calm and study on!

Crack IBPS PO in First Attempt: Tips for Success - Embibe

Time Management


Time management is key to acing the IBPS exam. With limited time and a vast syllabus, it’s important to make the most of the time available. Identify easy questions that you can solve quickly and skip difficult questions to come back to later.  This will ensure that you don’t waste time on difficult questions and can attempt more questions in total.


Effective time distribution for each section is also important. Each section carries different weightage, so allocate sufficient time for each section based on your strengths and weaknesses. Remember, time is of the essence, so don’t spend too much time on one question.


But let’s be real, time management can be a daunting task. Sometimes, time flies faster than your brain cells. But don’t worry, we got you covered. Try these tricks – set a timer, watch. Or if you are feeling adventurous, try the stopwatch on your smartphone. You will be amazed at how fast you can solve questions when you have a ticking clock staring back at you.

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Remember, time management is a skill that can be developed and honed. Don’t let the scarcity of time stress you out. Take a deep breath, and start practising from day one.



Section-wise Tips and Tricks



Section-wise Tips and Tricks:


Now that you have understood the syllabus and made yourself familiar with the preparation strategy, it’s time to delve into section-wise tips and tricks. Following are a few important points you need to keep in mind while preparing for each section:


Quantitative Aptitude: This section requires an in-depth knowledge of basic mathematics and its applications. The key to cracking this section is to practice regularly and develop a clear understanding of concepts. Make sure you attempt easier questions first to avoid wasting time and always refer to the tables and formulas provided in the question paper.


Reasoning Ability: This section tests your logical and analytical thinking abilities. To excel in this section, you must practice different types of puzzles, syllogisms, and critical reasoning questions. Identify the easier questions and attempt them first, as this will help you to optimise your time.


English Language: This section focuses on testing your English language skills, including proficiency in grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. Develop a habit of reading newspapers and English books to improve your vocabulary and grammar. Regular practice of mock tests will help you identify your weak areas, and develop an effective strategy to improve your skills.


General Awareness: This section evaluates your knowledge regarding current affairs, static GK, and financial awareness. To prepare for this section, make sure you keep yourself updated with the latest news and events, read books on current affairs, and develop an understanding of basic financial concepts. Make use of online resources to keep yourself updated with the latest developments, make notes, and revise them regularly.


By keeping these section-wise tips and tricks in mind, you can develop a targeted and effective strategy for clearing the IBPS exam. Don’t forget to take regular mock tests to evaluate your progress and identify areas where you need to work harder. With dedication, hard work, and smart preparation, you can ace the IBPS exam.

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Dos and Don’ts for the Exam Day






Exam day can be super stressful, but don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind:


Dos for Exam Day:

– Get enough sleep the night before. Trust me, you don’t want to be sleepwalking through the exam.

– Arrive at the exam centre early. You don’t want to be running around like a headless chicken looking for your hall.

-Solve your strong areas first. This will boost your confidence for the rest of the paper.

– Keep a check on time and regularly take breaks. Don’t burn out too quickly.


Don’ts for Exam Day:

– Don’t cram the night before and fry your brain. Sleep is key.

– Don’t carry any prohibited items like phones and calculators. You don’t want to be escorted out for breaking rules.

– Don’t get stuck on a question and waste time. Move on and come back to the question later.

– Don’t panic if you don’t know an answer. It happens. Keep calm and carry on.


Remember, you got this! Good luck!












Final thoughts –

As you gear up for the IBPS exam, remember to stay focused and calm during the process. Follow the tips and tricks mentioned above, and continue to revise effectively until the big day. Keep a positive attitude and believe in yourself when you sit down to take the exam. Stay motivated, stay focused, and GOOD LUCK!


—-Sushmita Jha

Faculty, Kalp

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