Cow’s antibodies will eliminate corona, American company finds new treatment

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Scientists have found a new weapon to eliminate the corona virus. This weapon has been found in the cow’s body. Antibodies of cow’s body can be used to eliminate the corona virus. This claim has been made by a biotech company of America.

American biotech company SAB Biotherapeutics has said that genetically-modified cows can be extracted antibodies from their bodies and made medicines to eliminate the corona virus. The company is going to start its clinical trial soon. Amesh Adalja, a physician of infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins University, said that this claim is very positive, reliable and promising. We will need different weapons to defeat the corona virus.

Scientists usually examine antibodies on cultured cells or tobacco plants in laboratories. But biotherapeutics has been developing antibodies in the hooves of cows for 20 years.

The company makes genetic changes in cows so that their immune cells (immune cells) can grow more to fight dangerous diseases. Also, these cows make a large amount of antibodies which can be used to cure humans.

William Klimstra, a University of Pittsburgh immunologist, said that the antibodies of cows from this company have the power to eliminate the spike protein of the corona virus. The cow itself is a bioreactor. She makes a huge amount of antibodies to fight terrible to terrible diseases.

SAB Biotherapeutics CEO Eddie Sullivan said that cows have more blood than other small organisms. Therefore antibodies are also formed in their body very much, which can later be improved and used in humans. Eddie said that most companies in the world are developing monoclonal antibodies to fight the corona virus. While the good thing with cows is that they make polyclonal antibodies. They are more capable than any monoclonal antibody in terms of killing any virus.

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Eddie Sullivan said that we had chosen this route when Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) came. From there we came to know that cow’s antibodies have more strength than antibodies of other organisms.

Sullivan said that antibodies against the corona virus are being prepared in the cow’s body within 7 weeks. During this time, the cow is not getting too sick. Upon investigation, it was found that antibodies formed in the cow’s body killed the spike proteins of the corona virus.

When the cow’s plasma was tested in the lab, it was found that it is four times more powerful than human plasma therapy i.e. , covalent plasma therapy. It does not allow the corona virus to enter the cells of the human body.

AD told that in a few weeks, human antibodies of cow’s antibodies will start clinical trials, so that we can know how effective it is in humans. We hope that the antibodies extracted from cow’s blood will be better than other drugs and treatment.

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