Fingerprint security feature coming for WhatsApp Web, will work like this

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New feature of whatsapp

If you use WhatsApp on the desktop, then there is good news for you. Till now, the feature of locking WhatsApp was available only in Android and iOS, but now we will be able to do it here too.

Security in WhatsApp Web

Although this feature has not yet come in the final build, but it is being tested. A report by WhatsApp’s website, which keeps track of the features of WhatsApp, says that fingerprint lock will also be found in the WhatsApp desktop.

Feature testing

According to the report, this feature has been given in Android version of WhatsApp. Under this, WhatsApp Web can be unlocked with fingerprint.

Fingerprint authentication

This feature is currently in the development phase and the company can release it as a feature in the coming times.

This is how the feature will work

How will this feature work?

If you are thinking that if the laptop does not have a fingerprint scanner, then how secure it will be. This feature is not like this. Actually, when you scan the QR code for WhatsApp web, you will have to scan the fingerprint in the mobile itself.

Option will come as soon as you scan the QR code

That is, after the introduction of this feature, WhatsApp web will not open as soon as the direct QR code is scanned, but for this you will have to scan the fingerprint in the phone itself.

WhatsApp Web can be hijack

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This feature can be beneficial for the security of WhatsApp web. Because sometimes WhatsApp gets hijacked due to shortcomings of WhatsApp web.

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