Best Diet 2021: Mediterranean Diet No. 1 for fourth consecutive year, beneficial in diabetes-cancer

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Mediterranean Diet Number-1 for the fourth consecutive year

Amidst the numerous diet plans beneficial for health on the internet, it has become difficult to decide which food items are really right for us. Meanwhile, the Mediterranean Diet has also received the Best Diet Award for 2021. According to ‘US News and World Report’, the Mediterranean diet has become the world’s number-1 diet for the fourth consecutive year. Let us tell you about the Mediterranean diet and its benefits.

What is Mediterranean diet?

What is Mediterranean Diet – Mediterranean diet is a plant based diet, which includes things like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and olive oil. Apart from this, it also contains fish and poultry. The emphasis is on fresh diet. Experts claim that the health of those who follow this diet is very good.

Beneficial for heart health

Beneficial for heart health- According to the report of the American Heart Association (ADA), the Mediterranean diet is very beneficial for our heart health and also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. That is, it reduces the risk of high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetes controller

Diabetes Controller- According to a report published in the journal Diabetes Care, the Mediterranean diet is also very beneficial in the case of type-2 diabetes. The anti-oxidants, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids present in the Mediterranean diet reduce the risk of oxidative stress, metabolites, and chronic inflammation by improving neurovascular health.

Benefit the intestines

Benefits to the intestines- It has been proved in many studies that the Mediterranean diet is also very good for our intestines. The anti inflammatory property present in the Mediterranean diet helps in the growth of bacteria benefiting the intestines.

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Low risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer risk reduced – Breast cancer is currently a major concern for women. A report published in JAMA Internal Medicine claimed that the Mediterranean diet is also effective in reducing the risk of breast cancer.

Benefit mental health

Benefit for mental health- Do you know that this diet full of things like fruits, vegetables and walnuts and almonds also improves the function of our brain. According to a report published in the journal Neurology, it helps to provide a young brain by slowing down the cognitive decline process.

What are the things to be avoided?

Some things have to be avoided in the Mediterranean diet. Sweet food is forbidden in this. Alcoholic substances should not be consumed or should be taken on doctor’s advice. The body is given adequate sleep and rest. There is also a focus on regular workouts.

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