What is Corona Virus 1, 2, 3 and 4 Stage?

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What is Corona Virus 1 2 3 4 Stage? It is being discussed everywhere in India that India is now in the third stage of Corona Virus. First you talk about all the stages of the corona virus and know what the stage is. In this article we will tell you how the virus is finally being treated. Corona Virus is spread by micro-droplets emulated by sneezing or coughing of a person infected with Covid-19, by direct contact, or by touching an infected area.
There are a total of four stages of corona virus infection.

Coronavirus First Stage

In the first stage comes those people who have a foreign travel history. In this stage, very less cases comes. If this stage is not allowed to spread, Corona can be contained most effectively.

Corona Virus Second Stage

This is called local transmission. This is the stage in which people from abroad infect their families and relatives. In this stage, all those who come in contact with the corona virus are trained, and kept separately.

Corona Virus Third Stage

It is also called the Commodity transmission stage i.e. 3rd stage. Corona Virus infected people cannot be traced at this stage. In this stage it becomes necessary to lockdown. In the third stage, infection starts appearing in any person, whether that person has Travel history or not. A similar situation persists in the Dharavahi area of Mumbai. Recently there was a program of Tabligi Jamaat, in which more than 600 cases have been reported. The people of Jamaat have played a very big role in the spread of coronavirus in India.

See also  Cancer management and COVID 19

Coronavirus Fourth Stage

Any disease that takes an epidemic under this stage is called the fourth stage. The number of infected people in the stage continues to increase rapidly, as well as the number of people who die. As we saw in China, a situation in China had become such that the cases of coronavirus were not decreasing at all. A similar situation persists in the US, Spain and Italy.

What to do after having Coronavirus?

If a person gets coronavirus, what should that person do? Several coronavirus helpline numbers have been issued by the state government and central government in India regarding Corona. You should tell your status by calling these helpline numbers. There is no need to fear. If you do not do this, then you can infect your family and people around you with Corona virus. We would like to tell you to follow the instructions given by the Government of India. Do not take any kind of medicine without doctor’s prescription. Stay with us to learn the latest news related to Corona virus.


Ashish Jha is working as a creative Content head in a Prestigious Publication. He has authored “Arthritis ko Karen Alwida.” His book “ Rashtriya Aaay lekhankan” is recommended in more than a dozen prestigious Indian Universities. Mr. Jha has translated the book “We Can” into Hindi language with the name “Safalta ki Udan.” The author of the book “We Can” is Commander V.K. Jaitley, honourable president, All India IIT Kharagpur Alumni Association. Ashish has also edited the book “Child Safety” written by the Paagman of India, Mr Birbal Jha. As a ghost writer, he has written more than 50 books. He also runs a website Today Twigs.

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