Why is US President Trump in a dilemma about China?

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US President Donald Trump’s explanation for the trade deal with China has come to light. In fact, White House adviser Peter Navarro had told Fox News that the agreement between the two countries has ended.

But immediately after this, President Trump said on the tweet that the trade agreement with China is going on. Trump also hoped that the two countries would live on the terms of the agreement with China.

Navarro, on the other hand, said in his interview that the trade deal with China marked a turning point when the White House detected the corona virus after the Chinese delegation left Washington. Chinese representatives signed the first phase of the trade agreement on 15 January.

But after Trump’s explanation, Navarro’s tone also changed and he said that his words have been presented in the wrong context.

In fact, after the spread of corona virus infection in America, President Trump made many controversial statements about China. There was also a rhetoric at the top level in China and America regarding the origin of the corona virus. Be it the case of Hong Kong or Taiwan, the US openly criticized China. China denied all allegations.

Now regarding the trade agreement with China, Donald Trump has also said that the Chinese authorities were not banned because of the Weigar Muslims, because they were in the middle of the trade agreement.

Serious charges

Trump told the Axios news site that achieving a larger settlement meant that they could not impose additional restrictions.

China is accused of keeping the Vigar Muslims and other ethnic groups in camps and tortured in Xinjiang province. However, China has denied these allegations.

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Trump’s former colleague John Bolton’s book had many serious allegations about Trump’s China policy.

Bolton alleged in his book that during the summit last year Trump had agreed to make Chinese President Xi Jinping camp in the western region. According to Bolton, Trump said that this is the right thing. However, Trump denies these allegations.

According to the news site Axios, when President Trump was asked why he did not impose additional restrictions on Communist Party officials, Trump said – we were in the midst of a big trade deal. I imposed trade duty on China, which was bigger than any restriction.

In the middle of the trade agreement, the US imposed a trade fee of 360 billion dollars on Chinese goods, in response, China also imposed a trade duty of more than $ 110 billion on American products. It began in January, before the first phase of the trade agreement.

Trump was asked by Bolton about the allegation, in which Bolton said that he had asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help American farmers win elections by purchasing agricultural produce.

To this, Trump said, “No, of course not. All I said is that we do not compromise with President Xi Jinping. We want to do business with my country. What is good for the country is also good for me. But I will not go around saying that help me win the election. Why would I do this? “

What is China accused of in Xinjiang?

China is accused of wanting to destroy the culture of Muslims in Xinjiang province. They have restrictions and are also accused of harassment.

However, China says that the camps in this autonomous region are actually vocational education centers.

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A report in March claimed that thousands of Weigar Muslims are taken to factories in different parts of China for work.

China’s official media says that it is people’s decision to go for work.

Trump’s arithmetic changes over China – BBC correspondent Barbara Plate Usher’s analysis

In the year 2018, America was going to ban Chinese officials and institutions regarding the camp of Weigar Muslims. Many MPs backed away from the party line. There was also support for this in the Ministry of External Affairs and the National Security Council.

But as Trump said, this could not happen with the trade agreement with China.

In May this year, in the US Congress, Vigar voted in support of the bill for the human rights of Muslims. However, Trump signed it and it became law. But it is not clear yet whether Trump will take action on this or not.

It was believed that the echoes of the historic economic agreement with China would be heard during Trump’s election campaign, but tensions over the Corona epidemic may have changed this arithmetic. The United States has said that it can punish China because of the early news about the Corona infection.

The United States has been critical of China over the new law in Hong Kong. Tension with China has become a major issue in the US elections. Any action on the issue of Vigar Muslims can also have an impact on elections.

What has America done yet?

The Trump government is accused that it has not said much openly about human rights in China.

However, many people in the Trump government have been openly criticizing China for its treatment of Weigar Muslims in China. The Foreign Ministry has also accused China of misbehavior and torture.

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The Ministry of Commerce has also imposed some restrictions on Chinese officials on the Xinjiang case. China Imports related restrictions have also been imposed on some companies. Some Chinese officials have visa restrictions. But no major and strict restrictions have been imposed by the Finance Ministry.

Last week, President Trump signed a bill authorizing the Chinese authorities to impose sanctions on the Xinjiang case, but said that they would decide on its use.

China’s ‘propaganda’

On Monday, the US put four more Chinese media organizations in the category of foreign diplomatic missions.

The US State Department says that this means that these institutions are not the media outlets but the organizations that run the propaganda of China.

Among them are China Central Television, China News Service, People’s Daily and Global Times.

To be included in this category means that they will have to inform the government of all their employees in America. However, there will be no restriction in reporting.

Earlier this year, the US included five other Chinese media institutions in this category. Among them were China’s official news agency Xinhua.

These media institutions were asked to cut down their workforce working in America.

In response, China also suspended reporters from the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times and the Washington Post.

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