Reduce Airway Inflammation And Relieve ASTHMA

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There’s no need to avoid certain foods if you suffer from asthma yet there’s no conclusive proof that those foods increase the severity of asthma attacks. However, it goes without saying that incorporating a nutritious diet can improve your general health and wellbeing.

Asthmatic individuals may greatly benefit from a diet filled with fruits and vegetables. These foods can help clear airway inflammation that impacts the symptoms of asthma.

Some food can serve as an asthma trigger because it directly relates to allergies and intolerances. Additionally, obesity increases the symptoms of asthma and could make the condition harder to treat, Thus, eating a well-balanced diet and keeping a healthy weight is vital to the management of asthma attacks.  Some foods that help reduce airway inflammation …..


Fish contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory.

Just eating omega-3-rich fish two times a week can deliver positive results.

In some cultures, it’s an age-old tradition to have asthmatic children swallow a live Murrel fish to cure their condition for good even in India.

Some types of fish may also contain mercury, and other contaminants from the environment. For this reason, regular consumption of certain kinds of fish is not recommended. According to the American Heart Association, it’s better to avoid mackerel, swordfish, shark, and tilefish. Instead, eat tuna, salmon, catfish, and pollock.


are also rich in omega-3 thus they offer anti-inflammatory benefits. You can add at least two tablespoons of flaxseed daily to your coffee, smoothie, cereals, and salads to gain nutritious benefits.

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If you can’t get fresh flaxseed, you can take flaxseed oil supplements that are usually available at health stores. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking flaxseed-based medication.


Beans are considered prebiotics. These contain beneficial fibers that help ferment the gut during digestion. It can aid in the increase of good bacteria in your digestive system. So, when your gut is healthier, your body can manage the asthma triggers better.

Asthma is a condition associated with a hyper-responsive immune system.

The immune system is centered on the gut. Scientists are just learning how it is crucial to the human body’s overall wellness.

If you take care of your gut by eating foods that can produce more good bacteria, you’ll have a better chance of keeping asthma symptoms under control.


Ginger is a medicinal wonder that the earth has gifted to humans.Ginger boosts the immune system, relieves nausea and vomiting, and cures a host of stomach problems like diarrhea, gas, irritable bowels, and upset stomach. It can also be used to treat burns and insect bites. Ginger may be added to food as a laxative and antacid medication.

As an asthma relief, ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties can result in clearer airways. It has compounds that work like a bronchodilator. For this reason, ginger is actually added to an asthma medication called isoproterenol.

Pharmacists say that the compounds in ginger are as powerful as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It can help smoothen and relax the muscles in the lungs so that asthmatic patients feel more relief after drinking ginger juice or tea.

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It is effective in protecting patients who suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary distress syndrome (COPD), according to a paper in the Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Uses of Curcumin. Similar to asthma, COPD may cause airway inflammation and obstruction that can lead to breathlessness or difficulty in breathing.


A superfood can help control the asthma triggers, especially during the winter season due to antioxidants in tomatoes, called lycopene, can fight the bacteria in the airways. It reduces the chances of people with asthma from developing colds and other nasal discomforts.

Tomato can effectively help the airways relax.

This decreases the chances of oxidative stress in the lungs that people with asthma often experience.

Tomato is also a rich source of vitamins A, B2, C, folate, and chromium.

The many nutrients found in tomatoes are vital to the prevention of free radicals from causing cell damage and impairing bodily functions or weakening the immune system.


Coffee contains caffeine that breaks down into theophylline during metabolism. Theophylline is commonly found in medications for asthma, bronchitis and lung disease. This may explain why coffee proves helpful for clearing the airways in people with lung problems. Coffee’s bronchodilator effect reaches its peak at 5 mg/kg within two hours of drinking. So, a person with asthma who is about 90 kg in weight might need at least five to eight cups of coffee (60 to 80 mg) a day to feel the positive effects in the airways.

However, coffee may help people with mild asthma attacks only.

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