Worst Enemies at Your Dinner Table: Dangerous Foods

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Food: Three letters and the whole world behind it. Our life revolves around our food, what we like to eat and what we don’t, that’s all. Food has a cultural significance, it is such a moment when we sit around a table with our family, friends or well-wishers and spend our special moments with food. But there is another side to it and that is that food can be our enemy too. We are not just talking about what to eat and what not to eat, but we should know how to control ourselves with every delicious plate of food.

We hide some harmful things in our everyday food, which most people ignore.

We take a look at the aspects of Slow Death being served to you!

1.  Margarine

Margarine has been placed in this list because it contains a lot of trans fat, which often leads to heart related diseases. Apart from heart-related diseases, it is also seen to be associated with breastfeeding, in fact, high transfats in margarine are harmful, due to which the quality of breast milk decreases and the newborn does not get complete nutrition. Only a small amount of this product can increase your insulin level. We know that this butter is delicious to eat, but before eating it, think about its taste as well as its disadvantages.

2. Soda

Carbonated water, flavoring and sweeteners are the three main ingredients present in this popular drink served around the world. Apart from this, there are many other additives which convert soda from a simple substitute to one of our major deadly foods, know why? is very easy. Your brain can’t be satisfied with sugary soda drinks, so you’ll keep adding empty calories to your routine without making any positive impact on your health. High amounts of unnecessary sugars, like fructose, are converted into glucose by your liver, and then your body stores it as fat. Yes, we know you love soda drinks, thank you dopamine because of course you love it just because.

3. Energy Drinks

You are tired and you have to face physical or mental stress, so what better partner than an energy drink to help with fatigue. Energy drinks are beneficial if used with an awareness of the risks of drinking them. Most contain energy blends such as caffeine, taurine, guarana, B vitamins and glucuronolactone in amounts that may not be safe in multiple-drink amounts. If these are taken in very high quantity then they can be harmful or u can say that they can be as harmful as illegal drugs, smoking or alcohol.

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4. Fruit juice

When you buy a juice packet, it is written that the juice made using the same 100% fruits, but it is not good for health, it is just a way of advertising. To prepare this juice, the juice is extracted from the fruits by squeezing them and it is usually stored in oxygen drip tanks filled with juice for up to one year. This makes the juice almost flavor free. So where does the taste and flavor in our natural energy drink come from? For this, flavor packs are added later and this is the second step in the whole process and this is the taste we are enjoying.

5. White Bread

White bread tends to be poorer in terms of fiber and protein than other bread alternatives (made entirely of wheat, rye bread to name just two, though there are many, many more). Fiber helps our body to understand how much it has eaten. The feeling of fullness is important if we do not want to consume excess calories. Plus, an insulin spike risk is on its way! The excess amount of insulin in the system is countered by the body by releasing the hormone, which should not be constantly active in a healthy person.

6. Raw honey

Raw honey does not go through the pasteurization process in which harmful toxins are killed. As a result, this “ready-to-eat” product often contains greyanotoxin, which can cause dizziness, weakness, excessive sweating and nausea for the next 24 hours.

7. Tuna

Although there has always been no problem with eating tuna (tuna fish), but now it has happened due to the increasing pollution in the oceans. Tuna absorbs large amounts of mercury, once it enters our body, travels through the kidneys to our brain and other soft tissues. That’s why we should control our diet in which we consume more tuna in a week, if you like this food more then you can look for other options in which mercury exposure is less.

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8. Processed meat

Basically, processed meats are a variety of foods, such as hot dogs, bacon, sausage, ham or salami, corned beef, smoked meats, jerky beef, and all other meats that have been processed by salting, curing, canning, drying, or smoking. . Processed meats usually cause high blood pressure and other serious health problems. The negative consequences of eating them are derived from the high temperatures used to process this meat which create nitrosamines which are carcinogenic.

Breakfast cereals

The shelves of every supermarket are full of breakfast items. All of these are considered to be the best to start the first meal of our day and people also like them because they are very tasty to eat which is liked by everyone. But people actually do not know how they are made and what could be their disadvantages. People are not aware that these products are full of genetically modified organisms which affect our immune system. If you really cannot keep yourself away from this snack then we can find other alternatives which are better for health and also good for our taste buds.


Even though cheese is a good source of calcium – which strengthens our bones –, it also has protein, phosphorus, riboflavin, zinc and some other vitamins (i.e., vitamin A, B12). But we also have to remind ourselves that paneer is a high-calorie food. All the positive nutrition that paneer contains can be destroyed in a jiffy if we eat it with the wrong thing or consume any food with it without thinking. That’s why think once before using it in your food, because it is paneer, and it should be good for health.

Fat free diet

Although at first glance, fat-free foods may seem like a gold mine for a completely balanced and satisfying diet, the truth is quite the opposite. Fat is essential for many functions of the body and for its healthy development. Cutting fat is not advisable, especially when your doing regular workouts. In addition, fat-free foods tend to be high in processed sugar. We often think that fat free means calorie free, whereas this is not entirely true.

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French fries

Rapid weight gain, but guilty pleasure, this is sure to happen. That’s for sure. French fries are usually fried in hydrogenated vegetable oils, which are often heated to damage their polyunsaturated fats. Deep-fried foods are very harmful for our health, as they contain a lot of trans fat, which is not good for our health at all. So don’t play with your health for the sake of instant taste.

 Canned products

When we are busy or do not have time, we opt for canned products i.e. market sold can-goods as a substitute for our food. Although eating canned products does not kill anyone, but do not make it your weakness and it is better to avoid such eating habits. Do you know that canning is a process through which products are prepared in order to prevent them from spoiling for a long time (this period can be from one year to five years or more). Other nutrients, such as water-soluble vitamins, may be degraded or destroyed by the high heat used in canning goods. In addition, packaged products from many industries contain high amounts of sugar and salt.

Stock cube

Store-bought stock cubes contain both artificial ingredients and high levels of salt. Especially, people suffering from diabetes have the problem of high blood pressure, due to which their ability to fight against diseases related to heart or kidney decreases and they become more vulnerable to this disease. Homemade stocks are quick and easy, and they will make your dishes more delicious and rewarding.


Salty means delicious, we know that. High intake of salt in diet can increase blood pressure which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. What we should do, we should keep in mind that how much salt we are taking in our diet and if the amount of salt is high then reduce it and make the food healthier. Wouldn’t it be bad if we put a pinch of salt instead of a handful, would it?

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